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Ayya Brahmavara's Schedule in Canmore

Dear Meditators, Ayya Brahmavara will be in residence in Canmore starting April 20, 2022. Ayya trained at Amaravati in England with Ajahn Sumedho. She has been in the robes as a 10 precept nun for over 20 years. A few years ago she left the community in England and spent time at Ven. Gunah's monastery in Thailand. This past fall she was ordained as a full Bhikkhuni with Ayya Tatāloka as her preceptor at Aranya Bodhi Awakening Hermitage in California. Her plans for the next few years are to spend time each year with her preceptor in California, to teach at Empty Cloud Monastery in New Jersey and to spend time here in Canmore. She is planning to speak with her sisters in the Bhikkhuni community to organize a continuous presence of nuns here in Canmore, on a rotating basis, until we find a nun who is willing to be our resident nun. Here is Ayya's schedule while she is in Canmore: Sutta Studies 4 - 5 pm Mon, Fri and Sun, starting April 24: hybrid of live and zoom A different stream of suttas will be done on the different week days so participants can come just once a week and have continuity. Of course participants can come as many times a week as wished. Live participants: We are keeping a close eye on wastewater indicators of covid. At the present time we will limit the number of live participants. So please contact Sanghamitta if you wish to attend live (contact and location details at the end). Zoom participants: we will use the Tues meditation zoom room: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 280 281 621 Passcode: 262230 Children's Meditation Group 4 pm Thurs starting April 28: live only Please contact Sanghamitta to register your child. Sessions will be less than one hour. Moon Day Meditations These are known as Uposatha Days and occur on the full, new and 1/2 moon days of the month as calculated by an ancient may vary slightly from the moon days indicated on your regular calendar. 8:30 am - 4 pm on Uposatha days the monastery is open for people to drop in for silent mediation for any amount of time. A zoom room will be open so those who can't attend live can experience virtual support. 4 - 5 pm tea and Q+A period with Ayya, live and zoom. Please register with Sanghamitta as number of live participants is limited. Dates: Apr 24, 30, May 8, 15, 23, 30, June 7, 14. Zoom link is our usual Tuesday zoom link and is found above under sutta studies.

Regular Meditation Groups

Ayya will offer the Dhamma talk at our Tuesday evening and Friday morning meditation groups. Follow this link for more information. You can attend via zoom. Due to covid, six participants can attend live. To attend live you must register by contacting Sanghamitta. If more than six wish to attend live a rotating roster will be set up. Retreat Ayya will offer a 3 day weekend retreat while she is here. This will be arranged once she has arrived....a newsletter will be sent out plus a posting on the website once a date and topic have been determined. It will likely be a hybrid live and zoom retreat. Dana meals If you would like to offer lunch to Ayya while she is here, please sign up for a date with Sanghamitta. Lunch is served at 11:30 am. There is an opportunity for a Dhamma discussion with Ayya after the meal. Interviews with Ayya There is an opportunity to ask Dhamma questions to Ayya on Tuesday evenings and Friday mornings at meditation group, at the end of Uposatha days and when offering a dana meal. If you feel you need an interview outside of these times, please contact Sanghamitta to arrange for a time, live or zoom. To Register for Events, Contact Sanghamitta: phone: 403-678-2034 email: or Location 518 - 2 St Canmore, AB T1W 2K5 Donations If you would like to offer a donation to CTBC to support our aspiration to become a monastery, please follow this link. Warning During live events we will diffuse an anti-viral essential oil to decrease the chance of spreading covid. If you are allergic to or intolerant of essential oils, please participate via zoom.

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